one-of-a-kind handmade glass beads and bespoke silver jewellery by Chellie Purnell

Exotic Handcrafted Bespoke Charm Bead Set - These are a few of my favourite things...

Chellie Purnell

A set of charm beads that can be worn on Trollbead necklaces and bracelets that is inspired by my favourite flowers, colours, natural landscapes and imagery.

I wanted to make a versatile set that could be worn with anything and had really rich and eloquent colour palette.

I love sunset and sunrise colours of the sky and different light effects, the natural landscape, rock formations, the movement of water, and anyone that knows me knows I love my flowers! These set of beads embrace all of those things. Basically I just sat there at the torch and just went to town with no constraints. It was very liberating and therapeutic!

Some of the beads are reminiscent of petals, some depict actual petals, some have elements of cloud patterns and others just indulge a colour and run with it. Every bead is there for a reason and tells it's own little story.

There are little touches all over the place and accents of metallic gold to bring a little plushness to the set here and there.

This last set of pictures is all about my favourite bead of the lot. This petally blue one. There's got to be a 'special, special' bead in any set and this is it for me. It was inspired by the petals of the agapanthus flower pictured above which is one of my all time favourite flowers. I love love love this bead. It is sitting next to my baby dragon silver bead at the moment and is very happy indeed.

Many thanks for taking the time to read my blog xx

Bright Bubblegum Coloured Charm Bead Set - Easter Eggs and Playtime beads!

Chellie Purnell

Sugar and spice and all things nice. This charm bead set is frivolous and fun. Spring has sprung! The Easter bunny's hopping about and all is right with the world!

I've been having a lot of fun with tricksy colour combinations and unusual designs. It actually started with this flamingo jumper.

I decided to use the colour theme as the palette and see what happened.

There was a kind of sea foam greeny blue, a rich yellow, a candy pink, a lilac, a more puce pink and a tiny hint of grass green here and there.

It all started with this motif on a jumper...

It all started with this motif on a jumper...

I wanted them to look like candy or jelly beans and even did one with twirled candy stripes! Coming up to Easter they seem quite fitting!

Many thanks for reading my blog xx

New Bright and Breezy Necklace!

Chellie PurnellComment

New for 2018. Bespoke necklaces, made to measure. Each bead can mean something special and particular to the wearer. Choose your colours, choose your shapes. The only limit is the imagination!! 


This particular set was inspired by this pot of tulips!

(Colour palette)

(Colour palette)

Thank you for reading my blog xx

It's a Girls World!

Chellie Purnell1 Comment

I was dabbling about the other day making some beads for the BOC (Beads of Courage a fabulous charity that needs loads of support,) and started doing some little character girly beads. I got quite carried away!

There are going to be loads more where these came from I can tell. Any name ideas you have, let me know!!

It's sort of apt with the suffragette 100 year anniversary in a way and a bit of fun too! Go girls!!

So many colours! All the 'paintbrushes' lined up...


Thank you for reading my blog. x


A Fishy Tale

Chellie PurnellComment

"These fishy themed beads were made to go with a special Christmas present ..."

I was very chuffed at Christmas because my Mum bought me a lovely Trollbeads silver fish for a present, so while I had a bit of time over the holiday, I thought I would make myself some fish themed beadies to go with it.


Had a loads of fun doing this one! I love fish!. My latest hobby is tropical fish aquariums which I do with my son Tom. At the moment we have two aquariums, but are planning the third...


A little close up of my favourite bead. I love the blue/green combo and the sense of depth that you get with this one...


I love this fishy ceramic that I found the glaze colours are really lovely. Some good ideas here for the next set of fishes...

Many thanks for reading my blog xx


A set of Glass Charm Beads in Winter White...

Chellie PurnellComment

I have always loved the concept of a 'Winter White' outfit! 

It's not very practical but all of those lovely mixtures of cosy cream knits, pure white and maybe a touch of silver grey it my favourite kind of look during the chilly months. I love all that layering and I think it gives a feeling of sophistication but understated elegance.

swan winter.jpg

White and black beads are always a good neutral option and go with this look well, but over the holiday I thought about making a set of beads for me to put on my Trollbead bracelet and necklace that used a more subtle colour palette and I was so pleased with the results.


If you look up 'winter white' on pinterest you will find lots of lovely pictures of winter white fashions and clothing combinations so I wont put any here, but some images that help bring my idea to life and served as inspiration for my work at the torch are shown here.

You may remember that a little while ago we had a bit of a cold snap and had snow here for a little while. I think this is what started me off on the idea. This was a couple of views out of my window on the Sunday morning when I woke up. I love the creamy hues merging into oyster as the sun comes up paired with the ever so subtle bluey white of the snow.

For me the idea is all about the juxtaposition of the cold with the warm. Pure and crispy icy whiteness reminiscent of deep and crunchy snow underfoot or the ice cold wind whipping past your face, combined with an overcast and heavy sky that offers a silver grey atmospheric contrast, all that joined with the warm creams of fluffy blankets, log fire warmed cheeks, cashmere cardigans or the biggest latte coffee held in both hands that brings warmth into your bones.


I added swirls of clear for lots of magnification, and to suggest the idea of solid ice...

I was really happy with them all in the end so can't wait to wear them! The only thing I might need now is a new 'Winter White' outfit to go with them!!! Hee Hee!

Many thanks for reading the blog xx